'Tis the Season for Innovation
Holiday-themed Patents (and one trademark) to Add Some Cheer to Your Holidays
In the spirit of the holiday season, we present to you below a compilation of some of our favorite useful (and maybe not so useful) holiday-themed inventions created over the years.
1. The Santa Drone
Design Patent No. D800,603
Ever wonder what would happen if Santa’s Sleigh got an upgrade using today’s technology? Meet the Santa Drone. Say goodbye to the 8 reindeer and hello to 4 powered propellers. This might make his ability to visit every home in the world in just one night a little more feasible.
Who wears it better? The iconic leg lamp movie prop from “A Christmas Story,” or the “Santa Claus Foot?” Despite the size of the Santa Claus Foot (and, looking at the broken roof, its apparent weight), I’d say the Santa Claus Foot has some pretty big (and perhaps “fra-gee-lay”) shoes to fill, but we’re still hoping to get one for Christmas.
3. Wand activated electronic menorah
U.S. Patent No. 6,053,622
While Hanukkah celebrations have already taken place this year, perhaps keep this invention in mind for next year. Using LED lighting to simulate flames that can be individually turned on and off with a mere tap of the wand, this electronic Menorah feels very twenty-first century. In addition to removing wax clean up duties, it also removes any fire safety concerns, so you can safely party all eight crazy nights.
4. Pop-up Christmas tree
U.S. Patent No. 7,914,168
Hate the hassle of shopping for, propping up, and decorating the dang Christmas tree? Inventor Barbara L. Oliva has got your back. This remote-controlled tree goes from flat pancake shape to a fully extended cone shape in a matter of seconds. Best of all – it pops up with all lights and ornaments in place! We’ll cheers to that.
5. Kwanza Board Game
U.S. Patent No. 6,024,361
For those looking for a game to bring the family together during Kwanza (celebrated from December 26 to January 1), this board game is equal parts educational and fun. According to inventor Ngoran Assoumou, this board game is loosely based on a traditional West African strategy game and includes pictorial squares having various representations of typical African traditions and culture.
6. Snowball Slinger
U.S. Patent No. 7,815,429
Pesky kid neighbors beware! This snowball slinger is a go-to option for professional snowball throwers everywhere. It includes two pivotally attached arms each having a cup-shaped snowball receiving surface to reduce the amount of energy expended when pelting someone with snowballs. Reduce reloading and packing times and spend more time aiming. May the odds be ever in your favor.
7. Apparatus for facilitating the construction of a snow man/woman
U.S. Patent No. 8,011,991
Building a snowman always seems like a fun, charming activity until you get down to it – then it’s actually snowy labor. This delightful invention uses static electricity to cause “dry snow” to adhere to a round surface providing that all-important starting foundation. I would love to tell you how this invention works, but, even the inventor, Ignacio Marc Asperas, mentions that “[I]t is not exactly understood how these principles work. Faraday himself did many experiments with snow and, despite having discovered Faraday's law, even Faraday himself was unable to fully explain the physical nature of snow,” so I’ll just leave it at that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Best Wishes and Happy Holidays to all the Inventors and Innovators! Now if only someone could invent something to wrap all these presents…